The Supercritical CO2 process utilizes a near-critical fluid as the extraction solvent. This process is particularly important to the extraction of Totarol™ from Tōtara wood as it negates the need to use solvents like ethanol, keeping it organic and pure. Totarol™ also has no taste and minimal aroma due to this process.
At conditions above its critical temperature and pressure, CO2 exhibits the propensity to dissolve materials. By varying temperature and pressure above these limits, supercritical CO2 can be used to selectively extract components from raw materials.
Our own supercritical extraction methods are used which makes the product completely organic, cuts out any solvent residue and yields higher extraction rates. Furthermore, it creates a unique Totarol™ signature chemical structure under patented technology.
The Supercritical CO2 process utilizes a near-critical fluid as the extraction solvent. This process is particularly important to the extraction of Totarol™ from Tōtara wood as it negates the need to use solvents like ethanol, keeping it organic and pure. Totarol™ also has no taste and minimal aroma due to this process.
At conditions above its critical temperature and pressure, CO2 exhibits the propensity to dissolve materials. By varying temperature and pressure above these limits, supercritical CO2 can be used to selectively extract components from raw materials.
Our own supercritical extraction methods are used which makes the product completely organic, cuts out any solvent residue and yields higher extraction rates. Furthermore, it creates a unique Totarol™ signature chemical structure under patented technology.

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Bioactive Totarol™ strongly inhibits lipid peroxidation and scavenges ROS (reactive oxygen species); its high antioxidant properties have been tested and proven to be seven times more effective than Vitamin E.
Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radicals, unstable molecules that can cause harm if their levels become too high in the body. They’re linked to multiple illnesses and are caused by oxidative stress caused by lifestyle and environmental factors. The antioxidants in Bioactive Totarol™ are able to help counteract these issues in the many applications it may be used in.

Bioactive Totarol™ strongly inhibits lipid peroxidation and scavenges ROS (reactive oxygen species); its high antioxidant properties have been tested and proven to be seven times more effective than Vitamin E.
Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radicals, unstable molecules that can cause harm if their levels become too high in the body. They’re linked to multiple illnesses and are caused by oxidative stress caused by lifestyle and environmental factors. The antioxidants in Bioactive Totarol™ are able to help counteract these issues in the many applications it may be used in.

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Dog shampoo
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Oral care
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