Podocarpus totara
Trunk diameter of up to 2M+
LIVES UP TO 1000 years+
The long lives of Tōtara trees are due to the wonders of Bioactive Totarol™
Located in the heartwood, Bioactive Totarol protects the tree and makes it impervious to rotting. While other trees around them fall, Tōtara continue to stand tall thanks to their very own self preservation ingredient.
Located in the heartwood, Bioactive Totarol™ protects the tree and makes it impervious to rotting. While other trees around them fall, Tōtara continue to stand tall thanks to their very own self preservation ingredient.

Indigenous Maōri were wise to the strength and long-lasting nature of the Tōtara tree and its endless uses.
Maōri used Tōtara wood to create their Whare (houses) and Waka Taua — enormous Maōri canoes capable of carrying 100 warriors that were often hollowed out from a single Tōtara log. The bark was used as a splint for broken bones or to reduce fever, a pointed stick could help make fire, the smoke to cure ailments, and the fruit was a food source.
Maōri used Tōtara wood to create their Whare (houses) and Waka Taua — enormous Maōri canoes capable of carrying 100 warriors that were often hollowed out from a single Tōtara log. The bark was used as a splint for broken bones or to reduce fever, a pointed stick could help make fire, the smoke to cure ailments, and the fruit was a food source.